Energy & Environment
Energy and the environment walk hand-in-hand and are major drivers of the United States economy. With a mindful, market-driven approach to both, our nation will continue to produce reliable sources of energy while preserving the Earth for our children, grandchildren, and beyond.
It’s necessary to be responsible stewards of our energy-rich country, especially since America possesses the largest combined gas, coal, and oil reserves of any nation in the world.
We support free-market access to affordable, abundant, and reliable energy sources, that have always been key to America’s dynamism, innovation, and standard of living.
By reducing the overall footprint of government in energy markets and simultaneously encouraging state and federal policies, private sector innovation and entrepreneurship will be propelled forward.
Expanding America’s electricity grid so that states have greater access to reliable and affordable energy, while proactively guarding against cyber and terrorist attacks.
the Environment
For the sake of future generations, we must protect and preserve a healthy natural earth.
America needs environmental policies that are rooted in limited government, accountability, free enterprise, and environmental stewardship.
We must promote the exploration of solutions to climate change that are both empirically and market based.