New Education Ad Gets 200k Organic Views in 24 Hours

Ad Praised as “Striking New Spot” 

The State Government Leadership Foundation (SGLF) and N2 America launched “Childhood” - the third ad of our six-figure “Let Kids Learn” national ad campaign yesterday. The new television spot is airing in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C. on programs like Good Morning America and the View. 

The ad highlights the hypocrisy of liberal leaders who stand by as their teachers’ union benefactors keep kids out of the classroom and fully masked, robbing them of key childhood experiences and development. 

Watch "Childhood" HERE.

"Childhood" - which the New York Times’ Jonathan Martin called, “striking” - immediately went viral yesterday, garnering over 200K organic views on social media in 24 hours. Here’s what press, pundits, and elected officials are saying about the new ad.



The Hill: Conservative groups roll out ad hitting Democrats over masks, school closures

Newsmax: Conservative Groups Release Ad Pinning School Closures, Mask Mandates on Democrats

Townhall: New Ad Highlights How Democrats and Teachers Unions are 'Putting Kids Last'

Twitter Chatter  

Senator Tim Scott: "For the last two years, liberal elites put our kids last. In 2022, we’re standing up for them and putting their parents back in the driver’s seat."

Senator Tom Cotton: "Republicans will end this madness."

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler: "Democrats are putting our kids last. It's past time for all of America's kids to be back in the classroom. #LetKidsLearn"

Former Governor Scott Walker: "Powerful ad. Sad state of affairs. We can’t sit back and let this happen to our children."

Former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch: "Students are suffering. Good teachers are leaving. Evers broke education. Parents are fighting. We will fix it."

Former NRCC Executive Director Parker Poling: "This brought tears to my eyes."

CLF Executive Director Dan Conston: "This message should terrify teachers unions and the elected people who have let it come to this."

Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson: "This is the America Joe Biden has created and allowed to take root. Fantastic ad that everyone needs to see."

Education Advocate Rory Cooper: "Kids know they’re at the lowest risk. They’re not oblivious to the rules imbalance. They see adults ignoring and harming them while they live their best lives. They know. =>"

Education Advocate Ian Prior: "↓↓↓" 

Executive Director America Matters Jim Hanson: "Great ad Powerful message Mid terms are coming"

American Action Network: "The elites get to get back to normal. Your kids get left behind. Powerful message that makes crystal clear the consequences of putting the teachers' unions first."

Jonathan Martin, New York Times: "A striking new spot from @lieslhickey aimed at winning over covid-weary parents. Airing in CO, MN, MI and, natch, DC"

Helaine Olen, Washington Post: "This is not going to end well for Democrats and I wish I didn’t need to say that."

Conservative Columnist Stephen Miller: "Get ready for about 100 more of these."

Conservative Columnist Charlie Hurt: "And there is no sense whatsoever that Democrats have learned a damned thing from losing a Dem state on a Dem issue to Youngkin-Miyares-Sears"

Conservative Columnist Karol Markowicz: "Oof."

Conservative Columnist Matthew Foldi: "New @N2_America ad: “Democrats are putting kids last. Teachers’ unions are putting kids last.” The group’s latest #LetKidsLearn ad with @theSGLF makes the obvious point: celebrities and Hollywood stars get to live normal life. Why can’t our kids?"

Kelley Paul: "Great ad showing what hypocrite Democrats are continuing to force on kids despite all evidence-"

Notable Retweets

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley 
Senator Marsha Blackburn
Congressman Dan Crenshaw 
Former Congressman Ryan Costello 
Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove
RNC Main Account 
Republican Study Committee
Senate leadership Fund CEO Steven law 
WinRed President Gerrit Lansing 
RNC National Spokesman Paris Denard 
American Commitment President Phil Kerpen 
Education Advocate Corey DeAngelis 
Conservative Columnist Guy Benson
Ruthless Host Josh Holmes
Comfortably Smug  



National Review: Devastating New GOP Ad Highlights the Human Cost of School Closures


Townhall: New Ad Highlights How Democrats and Teachers Unions are 'Putting Kids Last'