SGLF, N2 America Continue “Let Kids Learn” National Ad Campaign

The New Spot, The Third of the Campaign, Highlights the Hypocrisy of Liberals Standing in the Way of Return to Normal for Students

WASHINGTON, D.C —  The State Government Leadership Foundation (SGLF) and N2 America are launching “Childhood” - the third ad of their six-figure “Let Kids Learn” national ad campaign today. The new television spot will air in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C. on programs like Good Morning America and the View. 


The ad highlights the hypocrisy of liberal leaders who stand by as their teachers’ union benefactors keep kids out of the classroom and fully masked, robbing them of key childhood experiences and development. Studies routinely show the importance of kids needing in-person instruction to thrive academically and emotionally


“Childhood” features a montage of children watching television clips of adults enjoying the return to post-pandemic life while they remain confined to, at best, restricted, masked learning. 


“There is one common theme in states where students are suffering the most academic and emotional harm right now — the failure of liberal leaders to stand up the teachers’ unions and fight for the well-being of our kids,” said SGLF Executive Director Dee Duncan. “It is absolutely heartbreaking to see so many children still have restrictions placed on their learning as they wonder why life is returning to normal for everyone except them. If Democrats really cared about students then they would stop allowing the teachers’ unions to use the pandemic as an excuse to fundamentally transform the public education system for the worst and start reversing the damage they have already caused to an entire generation.” 


“As a mom of three, I can tell you that kids recognize hypocrisy when they see it,” N2 America Co-Founder Liesl Hickey. “Our kids are the least at risk but have been harmed the most. What the unions and Democrats have done to them  is unconscionable, and it doesn't reflect the data, science or facts. Kids need their childhood back now.”


Many schools in Denver,  Flint, and Minneapolis in January moved to remote learning due to COVID-19. Flint Community Schools has been taken to task by the Detroit News Editorial Board for remaining remote “indefinitely” and the Denver Classroom Teachers Association even pushed its members last month to call halt in-person instruction district-wide. Meanwhile, conservatives in Virginia are fighting to ensure parents have a voice in whether their child wears a mask. 


Watch “Childhood” HERE



Text on ScreenThey see the excitement. They see the joy. They see what they are missing. Democrats are putting kids last. Teachers’ unions are putting kids last. Tell them to give kids their childhood back. #LetKidsLearn 




The State Government Leadership Foundation and N2 America launched this joint campaign in February of 2021 in response to the refusal of union-controlled politicians to follow the recommendations of scientific experts who said it was safe to reopen America’s schools.

  • The first ad (“It’s Time”) the groups ran aired in Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Virginia. It emphasized the negative impacts of school closures through the perspective of a student, who explained school is not only about learning, but also a support structure for our children.

  • The groups then ran a second ad (“Irreparable”) in April of 2021, which illustrated the irreparable academic and emotional harm that Democrats and teachers unions had done to students across the country, while also noting that conservative-led states had kids back in the classroom.

    • Fox and Friends featured the ad during an interview with SGLF Executive Director Dee Duncan and N2 America Co-Founder Marie Sanderson.



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